Diana K Rosenberg
Born April 9, 1933, 10:13 AM EST, New Rochelle, NY, Diana has been acclaimed as the world’s foremost authority on fixed stars and constellations in natal and mundane astrology. A recipient of Saptarishi Astrology’s Lifetime Achievement Award and a Regulus Research Award nominee, she is a founding member and Vice President of the Uranian Society and has been a speaker at every UAC (United Astrology Congress) Conference. Llewellyn’s The Astrology of the Macrocosm includes her chapter “Stalking the Wild Earthquake” and Groundswell’s Hindu Astrology Lessons her chapter “Fixed Stars and Lunar Mansions;” she is also the author of “The New Fixed Star Workbook,” “Nakshatras, Manzils and Hsiu: Hindu, Arabic and Chinese Lunar Mansions Workbook” and “A Correspondence Course in Fixed Stars and Constellations.” Her article on India’s tragic Bhopal disaster, “Union Carbide and The Mills of God” was honored by inclusion in the Geocosmic Journal’s “Best of NCGR” issue; she has also written for The Traditional Astrologer, Astrology Quarterly, Ingress, Heliogram, Dell Horoscope, American Astrology and Urania. Her detailed refutation of Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s claim that there are really 14 signs appeared in The Mountain Astrologer. “Secrets of the Ancient Skies: Fixed Stars and Constellations in Natal and Mundane Astrology,” the culmination 30 years of research, includes 56 of her original illustrations, accurately depicted against their background lines of right ascension, declination and constellation boundaries, with individual star names and ecliptic lines clearly indicated. “Secrets of the Ancient Skies“ is now available (May 2012).