Bauval, R & Gilbert, A: The Orion Mystery; Crown Trade Paperbacks, NY 1994

Brown, Robert, Jr: Researches into the Origin of the Primitive Constellations of the Greeks, Phoenicians and Babylonians, 2 Vols. Williams & Norgate, London, 1899; Ballantrae Reprint, Brampton, Ontario, Canada

Burnham, Robert Jr: Burnham's Celestial Handbook, Celestial Handbook Publications, Flagstaff, AZ, 1966; Dover ed., revised, paper, 3 Vols, 1978

Cooper, J C: An Illustrated History of Traditional Symbols; Thames & Hudson Ltd, London & New York, 1978

Cirlot, J E: Dictionary of Symbols (translated from Spanish); Philosophical Library, New York, 1962

Graves, Robert; The Greek Myths, 2 vols; Penguin, 1955

Gleadow, Rupert: The Origin of the Zodiac; Jonathan Cape, Ltd, London, 1968; Athenaeum, New York

Herder: The Herder Symbol Dictionary; trans by Boris Matthews; Chiron Publications, Wilmette, IL 1986.

Hesiod: Works and Days (ca. 7-800 BC); trans. by H G Evelyn-White; Loeb Classical Library (No. 57), Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1970.

Houck, Richard, Ed., Hindu Astrology Lessons; Groundswell Press, Gaithersburg, MD 1997 (36 Essays).

Jobes, Gertrude & James: Outer Space: Myths, Name Meanings, Calendars; The Scarecrow Press, Inc; New York & London, 1964.

Olcott, Wllm Tyler: Star Lore of All Ages, G P Putnam's Sons, NY & London, 1917; Reprint 1965 Health Research, P O Box 70, Mokelumne Hill, CA 95245

Ovid: Fasti; translated by Sir James G Frazer; Loeb Classical Library (No. 253), Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1931, 1989.

Ovid: The Metamorphoses; translated by Horace Gregory, Mentor Classic, The New American Library, NY 1960; originally published by Viking Press, 1958.

Pannekoek, A: A History of Astronomy (Dutch: Amsterdam, 1951); in English, Allen & Unwin, 1961; Dover Reprint, NY 1989

Ridpath, Ian: Star Tales; Universe Books, New York, 1988

Roebuck, Valerie J: The Circle of Stars, Element, Inc, Rockport, MA, 1992. (Vedic)

Santillana & Von Dechend: Hamlet's Mill; Godine, Boston 1969; paperback edition Godine, 10/83

Staal, Julius: New Patterns in the Sky; The McDonald & Woodward Publishing Company, Blacksburg, VA 1988

Staal, Julius: Stars of Jade; Writ Press, Decatur, GA, 1984 (Chinese Constellations)

Temple, Robert K G: The Sirius Mystery; St Martins Press, New York, 1976

Virgil: The Georgics; (I have the C. Day Lewis translation: Oxford University Press, NY, 1947) - Loeb Library also has a version, and there is one by John Dryden.

Walters, Derek: Chinese Astrology; Aquarian/Thorsons, London (2nd edition), 1992. Excellent sections on Lunar Mansions, astronomical texts.

© 1998 Diana K Rosenberg